He Took an Abandoned Baby Girl Home. Months Later, He Received a Terrifying Call From a Lawyer – Legitpost.com.ng
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He Took an Abandoned Baby Girl Home. Months Later, He Received a Terrifying Call From a Lawyer

Marcus was a cab driver looking to make ends meet for his family when he found an abandoned baby and took her home. He had no idea the impact this decision would have on his life.

A few months later, he got a shocking call from a lawyer. Marcus was a successful professor at the community college when tragedy struck, turning his life upside down. He taught Linguistics, and his classes were populated by students who loved him. He had a passion for teaching, so he always thanked his stars that he was lucky enough to be paid handsomely for something he enjoyed doing.

Marcus lived in the highbrow area of the city with his beautiful wife, Selma, their three sons, and another baby on the way. With his salary and a couple of best-selling books always bringing in royalties, they could afford to live among the creme de la creme of society. Life was going great, and nothing could go wrong, or so they thought. Little did this happy family know they were about to get the shock of their lives.

A few days before Salma’s due date, Marcus received a call from a colleague who needed him to help take a French class, as he would be leaving town for an emergency trip. It was a night class, so Marcus would return home late, and he made sure he told Salma about the plan.

Halfway through the class, Marcus’s phone suddenly rang. It was his eldest son calling to tell him that Salma had gone into premature labor. He immediately asked the students for permission to leave, grabbed his car keys, and rushed into his car. But why, he asked himself as he drove through the busy streets. He and his wife did everything they were supposed to do to ensure a smooth pregnancy, so what went wrong?

While driving, he received another phone call from his son who told him that Selma had been taken to the hospital. So he spun the car around and began heading to the hospital. Once there, he pulled into the parking lot and ran in. He found his sons in the waiting room looking scared and exhausted. Then they told him how it all began.

Salma had just started complaining of stomach pain, and before they knew it, her water broke, and then she began bleeding. They immediately called for help. When the paramedics arrived, they conveyed her to the hospital, where she was wheeled into the operating room for an emergency C-section.

As Marcus waited impatiently for the surgery to be over, time seemed to slow down. Although frightened, he had a strong conviction that his wife and baby would be just fine. Salma was a strong woman, and he knew that she was fighting for her life.

After what felt like forever, the doctor walked out of the theater looking exhausted and sad. “My wife is okay, right? My baby is also in good health, right? Tell me, doctor,” Marcus asked, and the doctor broke the devastating news to him. They had been able to save the baby, but unfortunately, Salma didn’t make it.

Marcus felt like his world was crumbling. Within the space of a few hours, his life had been turned inside out. How could he go on living without Salma, who would help him raise their four boys? It was a tragic period for the family of five, but with the support and love they received from each other, they were sure they would be able to get through the grief. They also knew they had to be strong for the newest member of the family.

Still, Marcus found it hard to accept his wife’s death. He just couldn’t stop blaming himself for it. The situation got worse whenever he went to school because it reminded him of that terrible night when he lost the woman who meant the world to him. What if he hadn’t been in school that day? Would things have turned out differently? He would often wonder.

As much as he tried to move on, he found himself sinking deeper and deeper into depression. He began skipping his lectures, and he hated the four walls of the school. So one day, he decided he was done, and he quit his lecturing job.

Knowing he couldn’t just sit around and do nothing, he decided to become a cab driver. When people asked him why he left such a prestigious job, he would reply that it was his sense of duty to his job that made him lose his wife, hence he could no longer work as a lecturer. Many people understood him and wished him well in his endeavors.

One day, after dropping off a passenger, Marcus picked up the next passenger: a woman in her early 30s, somewhere close to her home. The woman had a baby in her arms and a small traveling box standing beside her. She told Marcus she was heading to the airport, which was a 40-minute drive away.

Although he was getting ready to close for the day, Marcus decided to take the woman and her child to the airport. When they eventually got to the airport, he pulled up in the parking space. Just then, the woman began searching inside her bag. After a few seconds, she sighed and told Marcus that she had forgotten her passport at home, so he would have to take her back.

But just before Marcus started the engine, she told him she needed to quickly use the restroom and that she would be back in a second. Marcus told the woman to take her time and that her baby was safe with him.

Marcus looked through the rearview mirror and saw the child sleeping peacefully. He smiled at the baby, looked away, and began watching the passersby while waiting for the child’s mother. Soon, five minutes passed, yet the woman was yet to return. Ten minutes passed by, and then another ten minutes, until it was 30 minutes. At that point, Marcus knew it was stupid to continue waiting for the woman.

He looked at the baby again, sleeping peacefully in the back seat, and that was when he noticed that the traveling box was gone. “Oh my God, oh no, did she just abandon the baby?” Marcus thought as he immediately called the police and told them everything he knew. The police searched for the woman, but they didn’t find her, confirming Marcus’s fears that she had indeed abandoned her baby in his car.

Marcus left the baby with the police and returned home with a heavy heart. However, he couldn’t get the innocent child out of his mind, so two days later, he returned to the station to get an update about the baby and her mother’s whereabouts.

When he got there, the cops told him that the mother hadn’t been found and that the child was currently in the care of Social Services. He immediately drove down there, where he met the little girl crying. But as soon as he carried her in his arms, she stopped crying. The staff was shocked because the little girl had barely stopped crying since they picked her up. It was like a miracle.

Marcus took it as a sign that the girl needed to be in his life, so he decided to adopt her. Within a few weeks, the adoption process was completed, and Marcus took the baby home to his sons. And guess what? They all fell in love with her at first sight and promised to cherish and care for her.

With the arrival of the baby girl named Rose, Marcus and his sons were happier. Everything was going fine for the family until Marcus received a call one morning, just four months after he had brought Rose home.

That morning, he was getting ready to start his day when he got a call. It was from a lawyer asking him to report to the police station for an urgent matter concerning Rose. They also asked him to bring her along.

Throughout the drive, different thoughts ran across Marcus’s mind. Had Rose’s mother shown up? Did she want her baby back? He had grown so attached to Rose that the thought of being separated from her felt excruciating.

At the police station, Marcus was introduced to Mr. and Mrs. Xavier. They were an elderly couple whose eyes lit up the moment they saw Marcus walk in with Rose in his arms. They introduced themselves as the grandparents of the little girl.

They told Marcus about how their daughter, Mira, had been an obstinate child. Against her parents’ wishes, she had gotten into a relationship with a married man who dumped her the minute he realized she was pregnant. She had wanted to abort the pregnancy, but her parents threatened to disown her if she went ahead with it. Left with no other choice, Mira ended up carrying the baby to full term.

Rose was born thereafter, but because she was angry at her parents, instead of dropping the innocent child with them, she chose to abandon her with a stranger.

Marcus was shocked and saddened by Rose’s story. He was glad that he gave the girl a second chance. But would her grandparents take her from him, he wondered. Well, what they told him next shocked the living daylights out of him.

The Xaviers told Marcus that they learned that he and his family had treated Rose with so much kindness and love. Hence, they would keep the familial relationship with her intact. Marcus was overjoyed; he couldn’t believe his lucky ears.

While he was still rejoicing about this, the elderly couple told him that they would love to reward his kindness with a whopping three million dollars. Words would fail to describe the amount of joy Marcus felt.

The family became one big family and grew to love each other with every passing day. What an incredible story!

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