Susie and Timmy were siblings who shared an extraordinary bond, unlike many other siblings their age who often bickered and quarreled. At seven years old, Susie...
Rick is swimming in a lake near his grandfather’s house when he sees something in the shallow water – shadows. He gets a group of friends...
What was supposed to be Captain Smith’s first flight in a new plane turned into his worst nightmare. The plane hadn’t even lifted off the ground,...
Black woman adopts three girls that nobody wants. Years later, she discovers their shocking truth. In the immediate aftermath of James’s untimely death, Clarissa felt a...
“This girl was born with a rare condition, so her parents decided to do something that many people wouldn’t have the courage to do. Lindsay and...
“Fiona divorced her husband, Roman, and tried to move on with her life, but when it seemed she could finally do that, he sent her a...
Mr Stanley may I speak to you for a moment Walter looked up from his lap at the bench to see their lawyer Mr Sternberg staring...
A little baby girl named Maria entered the world with a unique condition. She was born without limbs. Due to her condition, Maria was thrown away,...
The new maid, however, proved that she was made of tougher stuff than her predecessor. In just a matter of weeks, she bested the huge pile...
“As they do every day, a lot of people were walking down a busy city sidewalk when they heard heartbreaking screams. They turned to see what...
A Black boy from Georgia had the police called on him because he was seen in a neighborhood that didn’t want him there. When a White...
After recognizing the Pilot’s voice during takeoff, a woman cried the entire flight and refused to get down until she met him. Nobody understood why until...
Brenda and Thomas were called to their late dad’s lawyer’s office for the final reading of the will. Brita didn’t expect to be a part of...
“Joseph Brown was a regular high school student with dreams like any teenager. He dreamed of playing football and hopefully, one day making a career out...
Every kid deserves a chance at a good education, but these teachers didn’t seem to think so when they kicked out a black child from his...
Nobody believed the homeless when he got on the plane, screaming that the aircraft was going to crash. But when the police arrived, everyone was perplexed...