Pastor Quits Church To Become A Stripper And Says She’s Never Been Happier

Nikole Mitchell was God’s servant until she decided to follow her heart. And her heart led her to become a stripper. Does she regret his decision? Not at all, and here’s her unusual story.
Nikole Mitchell wanted to be a stripper at a young age. But her strict upbringing made her believe that her desires were bad, so the mother of three went to become a pastor.
The bisexual 36 year old explains: “I was taught that women aren’t allowed to lead and that women belong in the kitchen and with the children. Even though it went against everything I was told, I decided to become a pastor because of my love for performing.”
In 2011, Mitchell, along with her then-husband, joined the Woodland Hills Church. In an evangelist Church in St. Paul, Minnesota, she opened her eyes to the possibility of gender equality within the faith.
“It blew my mind,” she remembers of her first visit.
Every Sunday, Mitchell was the first in line to ask the pastor a question after the service.
“One of my pastors asked: ‘Nikole, do you realize that you’re a theologian? We’d like you to be one of our pastors,’” she recalled. “To be on stage in front of thousands of people, that’s what I had been dreaming of for years.”
But Mitchell’s real identity began to unwind when she attended an LGBT-oriented theater performance later in 2016.

“I was like, ‘Oh my gosh, I don’t think I’m straight’ and it rocked my world,” said Mitchell, who now identifies as bisexual and pansexual. “I knew if I revealed my queerness, I would lose it all because the church is not welcoming to queer people.”
She suddenly felt as if she was living “a very duplicitous life” and struggled to keep her sexuality a secret.
After giving her first widely-attended weekend sermon on July 4th weekend in 2017, Mitchell left the Church for good.
“I just never showed up again,” she recalls.
Several months later, Mitchell came out publicly in a confessional YouTube video, which she shared on her social media platforms.
She started thinking about what would come next, and she started building a new life. A divorce came soon after, and she was free to do what she always wanted.

Mitchell says she found a dream job: “I started following my life coach’s wife on Instagram who was doing lingerie modeling.” The former pastor continued: “I was kind of triggered by it, but also magnetically drawn to it.”
Mitchell knew she wanted to dig deeper into her sexual desires and ended up in a class called “Sexpress You.”
“It was all about expressing your sexy self, and that was the linchpin that I needed,” said Mitchell. Right after, she linked up with a photographer to do her first nude photoshoot.
“I cried because I had never felt more holy and sacred in my life,” she recalled of the shoot. “I never felt more sexy and liberated than I did then.”
Thrilled with her new calling as a stripper and erotic model, Mitchell launched an OnlyFans account where she posts explicit photos and videos in exchange for money.
“I started really timid like just topless photos, but now I’m at the point where I take personal requests and make videos very tailored to people’s specific desires,” said Mitchell.
She also works as a life coach and offers courses such as “How to Unf – – k Yourself” about being your true self. “I’m to the point where back in March, I was actually going to be paid several thousand dollars to have sex with someone, and I was A-OK with that, but then COVID hit, and that got canceled.”
“My sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred,” she said. “And when I give this gift to people, it blesses them.”

Mitchell is aware that not many understand her, but she’s okay with that. The fact that she’s living her best life while being her most authentic self is a reward.
And, as her per words: “Every person has the right to express themselves in whatever way feels good to them, and this is how it feels good to me,” Nikole Mitchell concluded. Amen to that!