She almost fainted when she found the daughter she left with her boyfriend PREGNANT –
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She almost fainted when she found the daughter she left with her boyfriend PREGNANT

She received a job opportunity abroad and left her ten-year-old daughter with her new boyfriend for five months. When she returned and found out that the little girl was supposedly pregnant, she was horrified.

Monique and her little daughter Lena walked side by side towards Julio’s house, the girl’s new boyfriend. The mother held tight to the ten-year-old girl’s hand, trying to convey security and comfort, while Lena carried her backpack on her back and dragged a suitcase with wheels. Monique carried a bag full of the girl’s toys and clothes, as they would be separated for a long time.

The sun was setting over the horizon, and the street was silent, except for the sound of the suitcase wheels rolling on the street. The little girl, with a heavy heart, tried to hold back her tears, knowing that she would soon be away from her mother. Monique, on the other hand, had a lump in her throat but was trying to remain strong so as not to worry her daughter even more.

Arriving at Julio’s house, Monique looked around and noticed that the residence was well-organized and prepared to receive Lena. The mother took a deep breath and with a trembling voice tried to console her daughter, “Lee, this job opportunity is unique and will help us have a better life.” Monique paused and continued, “I promise we’ll talk every day, and I’ll be back as soon as possible, okay?”

Lena, with teary eyes, shook her head and replied, “I know, Mom, but I’m going to miss you so much. I’m scared of being alone,” sobbed the girl, trying to hold back her tears.

Julio, noticing the mother and daughter’s distress, approached and knelt beside Lena, looking into her eyes. “Lena, I know it’s difficult, but I’ll take care of you while your mother is away. You too can video call every day, and I promise we’ll do fun things together. I’ll take you for a walk in the park, we’ll watch movies, and even prepare the foods you like the most. Time will fly, you’ll see,” he said, trying to calm Lena and Monique down.

Despite Julio’s words of comfort, Lena was still unsure and sad. Monique bent down and hugged her daughter tightly, her heart sinking. She kissed Lena’s forehead and said, her voice cracking, “I love you, my daughter. I will miss you every day, but I’m sure everything will… I’ll call you every night before I go to sleep, and soon we’ll be together again. See you later, my love.”

At that moment, a cab pulled up in front of the house, and Monique realized that she was late for her flight. The mother gave Lena one last hug and got into the cab, her eyes filling with tears. She sat in the back seat and looked out the window, watching Lena and Julio standing outside the house. Lena stood in the doorway, her little face red and teary, waving at her mother as the cab drove away. Julio put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Monique, heartbroken, waved back, trying to smile at her daughter, even as her chest ached at the thought of leaving her. Separation was a difficult choice, but Monique believed she was doing what was best for her daughter’s future. The mother was looking through the cab’s window, watching Julio and Lena’s house become a distant point on the horizon.

Meanwhile, a thousand thoughts and worries were running through her mind, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty about leaving her little girl. Tears streamed down Monique’s face as she tried to convince herself that everything was going to be okay. She clutched her cell phone tightly, eager to make her first video call with Lena that night. As the cab drove away, the sky darkened, and Monique felt like she was leaving a piece of her heart behind at Julio’s House.

Lena tried to contain her tears while he hugged her and said words of comfort. The girl, with her puffy eyes and heavy heart, knew she had a long road ahead of her. The separation from her mother was very difficult, and she hoped that despite the distance, the love between them would remain strong.

Monique and Lena’s life was about to change forever, and little did that poor mother know the terror they would live because of her choice. The separation, which seemed to be the best solution at the time, would bring countless challenges and trials for both of them.

It turns out that Monique was going to Germany, where she had a unique and promising job opportunity. She would be the new manager for an international company, a position that would earn her a salary significantly higher than what she was earning in Brazil. Monique and Lena had always struggled financially, and this chance to improve their lives was something Monique couldn’t pass up.

Monique and Lena shared an unbreakable bond. Despite the difficulties, the two always found strength in each other. Monique did her best to provide for Lena, working long hours and making personal sacrifices. Lena, despite being young, understood her mother’s effort and loved her unconditionally.

Julio was a kind and understanding man who met Monique about six months before they fell in love quickly and developed a solid and loving relationship. He worked as a mechanic and, although he was not rich, he had a generous heart and was always willing to help others.

One day, Monique received the news of the job offer in Germany and was divided between the joy of the opportunity and the sadness of thinking about leaving Lena. She shared her concern with Julio, who listened carefully.

“Monique, I know this is a difficult decision, but you can’t give away this chance. Think about the future you can provide for Lena if you take this job,” said Julio.

Monique looked at him, her eyes filled with tears, and replied, “I know, honey, but I can’t leave my daughter alone. I can’t imagine being away from her for that long.”

Julio took Monique’s hands and, with a determined look in his eyes, said, “I understand, Monique, and that’s why I’m willing to take care of Lena while you’re in Germany. I promise that I’ll protect her and give her all the love and support she needs.”

Julio’s proposal surprised Monique, who hesitated for a moment. She trusted him, but the thought of leaving her daughter still caused her anguish. However, Julio managed to convince her that it was the best option for Lena’s future.

“Are you sure, Julio?” Monique asked, excited.

“I am, Monique. I love you and Lena, and I want the best for you. I promise I’ll take care of her like she’s my own daughter. Go, and once everything’s stabilized, you’ll come back for Lena, and who knows, maybe me too,” he replied with sincerity.

And so, even with a sinking heart, Monique accepted Julio’s offer and made the difficult decision to leave Lena with him during her stay in Germany. On the day of departure, she felt mixed emotions. She was anxious about the new opportunity but also great concern about Lena and the choice she had made.

In the cab on the way to the airport, Monique’s thoughts wouldn’t stop. “Oh my God, am

I doing the right thing? Am I being a good mother? I hope I don’t regret it,” she tried to convince herself that it was the best decision, but doubt lingered in her mind. Monique looked out the cab window, watching the city rush by, and tried to focus on all the benefits this opportunity would bring her and Lena. But even so, she couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe she was making a mistake.

And so, five long months passed since Monique left her daughter Lena in the care of Julio, her new boyfriend. Now she was returning to Brazil, anxious and nervous to see her daughter again, as the last few months had not been exactly as she had imagined.

At first, everything seemed to be under control. Monique and Lena spoke every day via video call, and the mother always asked how the girl was doing, if Julio treated her well, and if everything went according to plan. On one of the calls, Monique asked, “How was your day at school, Lena?”

Lena, always smiling, replied, “It was great, Mom. Today I met a new little friend, Michael, and Julio said he can come over here and play video games with me.”

Upon hearing this, Monique felt relieved and grateful that Julio was being so attentive and providing moments of joy for her daughter. “I’m very lucky to have found someone like Julio,” thought Monique. However, as time passed, the bonds between mother and daughter became more and more distant.

Monique noticed something odd in Julio’s voice, but she didn’t know what it was. “Is he hiding something?” Monique wondered with growing concern. Lena also seemed a little more distant and less cheerful in the last few calls. Monique missed the lively conversations and laughter they shared. She couldn’t help but feel a growing unease, and that made her even more worried.

Now back in Brazil, Monique decided to surprise her and not let anyone know about her arrival. She longed to see her daughter again and find out what was going on. As soon as she landed, she hailed a cab and headed straight home, her heart racing and her mind full of anticipation.

As she approached the house, Monique felt a lump in her throat. “Am I doing the right thing by showing up unannounced like this? Am I being a good mother?” she thought. As the taxi stopped in front of the house, Monique paid the driver, took a deep breath, and walked to the door.

She opened it slowly and entered the house, exclaiming, “Surprise!” expecting to see the happy faces of her daughter and Julio. However, what she found was something completely different from what she expected.

Lena was sitting on the sofa with a huge pregnant belly, and Julio was next to her. Right at that moment, he was saying, “You can’t tell anything to your mother, okay?” Monique, with a terrified expression on her face, holding a document she had got scared and said, “Love, what… how are you? What are you doing here, Mommy?”

The little girl ran to her, smiling. But for a few seconds, Monique couldn’t believe her eyes. Her world seemed to collapse before her eyes. “What… what happened here?” Monique stammered in disbelief.

Lena and Julio exchanged nervous glances, not knowing what to say. The happiness that Monique had expected to feel upon seeing her daughter and Julio was instantly transformed into shock and sadness when she saw Lena’s belly. Seeing the look of horror on her mother’s face, Lena asked, “What’s wrong, Mom? Why are you sad?”

Julio, noticing the mother and daughter’s distress, approached and handed the document to her, which she read in horror. It was a pregnancy test that confirmed her worst nightmare: positive. “We need to talk, Monique,” and before Julio could finish speaking, as he approached his girlfriend, immediately anger took over her, and she screamed, pointing at him, “What have you done to my daughter, you monster?”

Julio, completely stunned, tried to defend himself. “Huh? What? How could you think I did that? She’s my daughter too. I would never do something like that.”

Monique, however, was beside herself and continued to accuse him, “How could you do this to her? She’s just a child.” Tears rolled down Lena’s face. She didn’t understand what was happening, but she realized that her mother was crying because of her. When Monique held her by the shoulders and shook her, asking how it happened, the little girl could only say, “I don’t know, Mommy. I’m just… I’m so sorry.”

Sadness and regret were palpable in the room, and Monique wasn’t sure how to deal with this new reality. Amidst the tension, Julio tried again to calm the situation. “Monique, please, we need to talk. Let’s sit down and try to understand what happened here.”

But Monique couldn’t take her eyes off her pregnant daughter, and her voice, full of rage and anguish, she screamed, “Get away from me and my daughter! I’m calling the police, you bastard!”

Monique, calm down, shut up, you’re a monster,” she was completely unsteady. “Let’s get out of here now, honey.” Monique grabbed Lena by the arm and left the house, leaving Julio in a state of shock. The mother and daughter went to a hotel, and while Monique tried to absorb what was happening, she cried desperately and regretted having left Lena in that situation.

Angry and without thinking twice, she called the police and reported Julio. The police arrived at Julio’s house and arrested him, even as he shouted, “I didn’t do anything! She’s my daughter! I didn’t do anything!” But his pleadings were futile, and he was taken into custody.

Meanwhile, Monique took Lena to the doctor for tests. All the tests confirmed the pregnancy, and the hormones were in line with a four-month pregnancy. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels were elevated, proving pregnancy. Lena’s belly was already noticeably bigger, and her breasts had started to grow, typical signs of an advanced pregnancy.

Monique was talking to Lena, trying to understand what had happened during that period, but the girl insisted that nothing strange had happened. The mother asked in detail about the last five months, and Lena said that she spent time playing with her friend Michelle in the bedroom, playing video games, and doing normal children’s activities. Lena described playing with Michelle and the conversations they had, but the only thing Monique could say was, “Okay, but was he alone with you? Did he hurt you, honey? Tell me.”

However, the little girl always reiterated that nothing bad or inappropriate happened. Monique listened intently, trying to find some clue as to what might have happened. However, every detail seemed to only reinforce that the two were just innocent friends, which made everything even more confusing and distressing.

The doctor, when analyzing the exams, explained that although Lena’s pregnancy was around four months old, it was not possible to visualize the fetus clearly, as she was too small for her gestational age. He said additional tests would be needed to better understand the health status of the baby.

Time passed, and meanwhile, Julio suffered in prison

, awaiting his trial. Everything seemed to conspire against him. The evidence was inconclusive, and the circumstances difficult to understand. Lena’s pregnancy advanced, and the case became famous in the small town where they lived, further increasing the pressure on everyone involved.

The little girl was sad and confused, feeling guilty about what was happening. Monique, trying to comfort her daughter, would say, “You’re having a baby, my love, but Mommy will help you, okay?” Despite the situation, mother and daughter found strength to face the challenges together.

One day, Michelle, Lena’s little friend, went to visit her at home. Monique was happy to see that her daughter had a friend to support her through this very difficult time. The children went to play in Lena’s room, and the mother, wanting to please, decided to bring them some juice and cookies.

Upon entering the room with the tray, Monique caught a scene that left her shocked and with a sinking heart. Michelle was running his hand over Lena’s belly while the two exchanged looks and smiles. That image was enough for Monique to understand what was really happening.

After Michelle left, Monique sat down next to Lena and gently began questioning her about the things that went on between her and Michael. “Daughter, what did you and Michelle do together here when I was away?” she asked, trembling with curiosity and anxious about what she might hear.

But the little girl told her the usual. “Yes, but is he your boyfriend? Do you like him?” she said, noticing Lena’s little face still innocent but with a look of concern. And she went on, “Lena darling, you have to tell me. Mommy won’t get mad,” Monique said, trying to control the anger and fear that consumed her.

Lena hesitated for a moment but ended up admitting that he was the boy she liked at school. “I like him, and he likes me,” and tears started streaming down the girl’s face, and she sobbed, “Did I do something wrong, Mommy?”

Sadness and regret were palpable in the room, and that Mother wasn’t sure how to deal with this new reality. Lena, with tears in her eyes, replied that she was afraid her mother would be angry. However, the mother, realizing her daughter’s innocence and the seriousness of the situation, hugged the little girl tightly and promised that together they would face all the difficulties that would come ahead.

Monique arranged for the charges against Julio to be dropped, and he was released from prison with tears in his eyes. She deeply apologized for the misunderstanding. Julio, understanding, did not hold a grudge because he knew that as a mother, she would do everything to protect her daughter.

“I understand, love. I regret even more for letting that boy come to our house so much. I would never have imagined that something like this could happen,” said Julio, visibly shaken. “But we’re going to be a family together because I love Lena like she’s my daughter.”

Sometime later, Lena’s pregnancy progressed, and the doctors decided it was time for an ultrasound. The family was anxious, looking forward to seeing the baby for the first time. However, as the doctor carefully examined the images, an uncomfortable silence filled the room. He whispered to himself, “Huh?”

The doctor hesitated for a moment and then said, “I’m going to run some additional tests, and I’ll be right back with the results.” This made the parents even more tense, thinking that something bad had happened. But no one was prepared for what came next.

A few hours after that agony and after several medical, psychological, and hormonal tests, a team came to the family, and the doctor began to explain the situation. “Lena, my dear, you are not pregnant.”

Monique widened her eyes. “What? What do you mean?”

The doctor continued, “Although it’s unusual, hormones can be affected by stressful and emotional events. In Lena’s case, separating from her mother and adapting to her new life with Julio could have triggered an abnormal hormonal response, making her body believe that she was pregnant. This is because the brain can release hormones related to pregnancy, such as HCG and prolactin, even without the presence of a fetus.”

“We believe that, in some cases, the mind can create this illusion of pregnancy as a mechanism of coping or a way to fill an emotional void. In Lena’s case, the anxiety and anguish caused by the separation and the change in her family life may have been the trigger for this condition. It is important to remember that pseudocyesis is not something Lena chose or that she has control over. It is the body’s involuntary reaction to a stressful situation.”

And indeed, the little girl had five very painful months at first, but Julio did his best to make her comfortable and happy. He proved to be a loving and devoted father, always taking care of Lena as if she were his own daughter. Upon noticing the symptoms of pregnancy, Julio arranged tests but chose not to tell Monique until he was sure what was going on.

But now they were relieved and thrilled to hear that the little girl was okay. The doctor stated that Lena would need to go through some therapy sessions to learn how to deal with such feelings and emotions. Monique and Julio promised her, “We will take care of you. We will get through this together and be a happy family.”

The parents, now aware of what happened, were relieved to realize that Michelle was just a little friend with no involvement in the situation. Their relationship, in fact, was one of pure friendship and innocence, like any other between children of the same age. Little

Michelle came over to play again, and Monique was grateful for the friendship her daughter had.

With the support of loving parents and professional help, Lena learned to cope with her feelings and emotions. The family grew stronger through this experience, and they cherished their bond more than ever before. Monique and Julio never let Lena feel like she was to blame for what had happened, constantly reassuring her that she was loved and valued.

The incident taught Monique the importance of communication and trust within a family. She realized that jumping to conclusions and making accusations without understanding the full picture could lead to misunderstandings and unnecessary pain. As for Julio, he proved to be a dedicated and loving father figure who was willing to protect Lena at all costs.

In the end, this unusual and challenging experience ultimately brought the family closer together and taught them valuable lessons about love, trust, and resilience. It was a reminder that even in the face of adversity, a family’s unwavering support could help overcome the most unexpected and difficult situations.

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