Rich Woman Hired an Old Man to care for Her Disabled Son. Later, She Was Shocked To See Her Child

Benjamin Evans was going over the job ads in the newspaper yet again. Loader, no network driver, that won’t work either. An electrician? Still not it. The elderly man read to himself, squinting blindly. It wasn’t that Mr. Evans didn’t have enough money, no, absolutely not. He was used to making do with what little he had and didn’t usually fall for his own whims.
He gave his house downtown to his daughter and son-in-law and moved into a smaller house located in the suburbs. Mr. Evans spent most of his money on helping animals, taking care of his four-legged friends, dogs, and cats to be more precise. The old man loved animals and dreamed of opening an animal shelter one day, but for now, he simply fed them and let them stay in his yard. However, Lucky had always been Mr. Evans’ favorite dog. The elderly man took him in as a puppy. He was passing by the garbage cans once and saw that a pizza box was moving. Mr. Evans took a closer look and found a small puppy inside, trying to eat the crumbs left in the box. The man picked up the puppy and brought him home, where he gave him as much food as the little fellow could eat. Since then, Lucky never had to feel hungry or cold ever again.
Apart from Lucky, Mr. Evans also took care of several other dogs, but Lucky had always been his favorite. For this reason, the man was looking for a job that didn’t involve physical labor. Lucky spent his days by his owner’s side. He could always feel the old man’s mood and understood him perfectly. And now, when the man was looking for a job, the smart pet tried to cheer his owner up with a low grunt and by licking his hand from time to time.
In the meantime, Benjamin Evans continued to pursue the job ads until he finally stumbled upon a very interesting offer: looking for an elderly man to work as a Manny. The old man read slowly, carefully pronouncing each word. The offer sounded very interesting and seemed to be exactly what the old man was looking for. “Manny, that’s an interesting way to put it, but I could probably be a Manny now, couldn’t I?” Mr. Evans thought.
Having weighed all the pros and cons, the man decided to call the number from the ad and find out the details. To Mr. Evan’s surprise, the young woman picked up the phone. Her voice seemed childishly naive and charming. “Hello, I’m calling about the Manny position. I saw your ad in the newspaper,” the old man began cautiously. “Yes, the position hasn’t been filled yet. I need a Manny for a disabled boy. If you’re interested, let’s set up a meeting and discuss the details face to face. Give me an address, and I’ll be there in an hour,” the stranger said in a sweet voice.
Benjamin noted how focused the woman was and how she got straight to the point instead of beating around the bush for a long time. The man decided to make good use of the time he had before the woman’s arrival, so he shaved and put on his finest clothes.
An hour later, a black SUV with tinted windows stopped at his house. But when the petite woman in her 30s got out of the car, the old man gasped in surprise. The guest was dressed in a business suit, which suggested that she belonged to the financial elite of the city. “Good afternoon, my name is Sarah Watson,” the woman said, holding out her hand. “Benjamin Evans, ma’am,” the owner of the house answered, somewhat intimidated by the woman’s confidence.
Then the old man led his potential employer into the kitchen, where he poured her some tea and got ready to listen. Sarah Watson really was a businesswoman who raised her six-year-old son, Michael, alone. The woman’s husband died in a car accident a few years ago, after which she had to take over the family business. Since Sarah spent most of her time at work, she had to entrust her son’s upbringing to her mother.
If the young businesswoman could have only known how it would end up for little Michael, she would have definitely hired a professional nanny instead. Unfortunately, by an evil twist of fate, the boy got to witness his grandmother’s death. She had a heart attack right in the middle of the Monopoly she was playing with her grandson. The experience was so traumatic that it caused the boy to have a temporary paralysis of the lower extremities.
“The thing is, my son is fine physically, but psychologically, the doctors say that Michael needs a change in his life to help him live through the trauma,” Sarah added. Mr. Evans looked attentively at the woman and said, “It all sounds good, but I’ve never worked as a nanny or a Manny. I mean…”
The guest smiled, nodding her head approvingly, and said, “It’s okay, sir. There’s a first time for everything. So, what do you say? Would you like the job?” Benjamin hesitated for a moment, but then he decided to go for it and agreed to the woman’s proposal. Moreover, the salary that the boy’s mother offered to pay him exceeded the man’s wildest expectations.
“Well, that’s great. I’ll be expecting you at 8 am tomorrow. Please don’t be late,” Sarah said and handed the old man her business card, which had her home address and phone number on it. Benjamin escorted the guest to her car, after which he went back inside and gave Lucky an extra-large portion of dog biscuits to celebrate.
The old man was very excited and worried about his new job, so much so that he literally couldn’t find a place for himself. The next morning, Benjamin Evans got up earlier than usual. He had a quick breakfast, took a shower, and hurried to get to Sarah Watson’s house. “Well, it looks like a real palace,” the old man noted, not even attempting to hide his admiration.
Since the family expected his arrival, the front door was unlocked, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee had filled the house. Having looked around, the old man went into the living room and saw a boy of about six who was sitting in a wheelchair and watching him closely. “This is Mr. Evans. Mr. Evans, meet Michael. You two will spend a lot of time together,” Sarah said and introduced her son to his Manny.
Benjamin liked the boy at first sight. He seemed like a smart kiddo and not at all spoiled. The old man extended his wrinkled hand for a handshake and gave the boy a wink, hiding a smile in the corner of his lips. The boy smiled back, and Benjamin realized that the feelings were mutual.
When Sarah left for work, the old man started telling the kiddo about his past, where he served in the jungles of Indochina as a marine. “Wow, have you ever seen real tigers there or snakes?” Michael asked enthusiastically. “I did see them, of course. I spent a year and a half there, and I got to see them all. But I loved dogs the most out of all the animals. Take my Lucky, for example. He’s better than most people, so smart and loyal,” Mr. Evans replied.
Upon learning that the old man had a dog, Michael immediately cheered up and got very excited. The boy wanted to play with the dogs so much that he could barely wait for his mother to come home so he could beg her to allow him to take a walk in the park with Mr. Evans and his dog.
“Wow, you two seem to be getting along well. Of course, you can go to the park with Mr. Evans and his dog. I don’t mind,” Sarah answered, smiling.
The next morning, Benjamin Evans brought Lucky with him to work. Seeing Michael waiting for them at the front door, the dog squealed with joy and was licking him from head to toe within a minute. Mr. Evans, Michael, and Lucky spent most of the day at the park, laughing contagiously. The cheerful trio enjoyed ice cream, then sweet pastries which they got from a booth at the park.
The boy liked playing with the dogs so much that he asked to spend the next day at the park too. Benjamin Evans didn’t even realize when he developed warm feelings for the boy and started getting attached to him. The old man didn’t have his own grandchildren, and therefore, the newly-made Manny enjoyed spending time with Michael, who listened to his stories with genuine interest and admiration.
Watching her son literally transform before her eyes, Sarah Watson couldn’t hold back her tears. Fortunately, those were tears of joy rather than sadness or anguish. About a month later, Sarah allowed Michael to visit Mr. Evans at home so that her son could play not only with Lucky but also with the old man’s other pets.
There was only one thing that upset Sarah in all this time: Michael still hadn’t been able to get up from his wheelchair and take at least one step. One day, Benjamin Evans started feeling unwell during lunch. It happened so suddenly that the old man didn’t immediately realize that his blood pressure must have gone up. Trying to cope with lightheadedness, the man took his medicine and laid down on the couch. At that moment, Michael came into the room. He was playing outside and went into the house to get a drink of water.
Seeing the old man lying on the sofa, the boy screamed loudly and instinctively stood up and ran over to him. It all happened so quickly that Mr. Evans didn’t immediately realize what was going on. The meds made the old man fall asleep, and he only woke up from the fact that Michael was shaking him by the shoulders, with tears in his eyes. “Don’t die, Mr. Evans, please don’t do it. Don’t die!” the boy exclaimed.
The old man rubbed his eyes and hurried to reassure the boy that he was just fine. “It’s okay, dear. It’s fine. I just fell asleep,” the elderly man said, sitting up and hugging Michael, as if to confirm that the old man was telling the truth. Lucky barked loudly and licked Michael on the cheek. The boy laughed out merrily, and only then noticed that he was standing on his feet without anyone’s help.
This fact filled the soul of the old man with indescribable joy. He was very proud of Michael for being able to overcome his illness. Needless to say, Sarah was beyond surprised when she arrived to pick Michael up and saw an empty wheelchair by the door. The woman entered the house and couldn’t believe her eyes. Lucky and Michael were playing with the ball, and Mr. Evans was watching them from the couch and commenting on especially successful throws.
Having a hard time holding back tears, Sarah went up to her son and hugged him by the shoulders, then turned her gaze to Benjamin Evans and thanked him profusely for all of his help. To Michael’s delight, his mother allowed him to be friends with the old man, who took a liking to the boy and treated him as his own grandson. Moreover, on the advice of Mr. Evans, Sarah bought her son a puppy, which instantly became the center of the universe for him.
Benjamin, Michael, and Lucky continued to go to the park and enjoy their time together, thanking fate for giving them a chance to get to know each other and defeat the boy’s insidious disease.