What Scientists Found in a Forbidden Tomb in Egypt Shocked the Whole World – Legitpost.com.ng
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What Scientists Found in a Forbidden Tomb in Egypt Shocked the Whole World

“There are a lot of things to say about ancient Egypt. It was a civilization surrounded by myths and legends. They are among the most powerful Empires that rose in the history of mankind, and they remain one of the most fascinating people in history. There is much more to Egypt than the pyramids in Giza.

In this video, we’ll take a look at the most amazing finds in Egypt that puzzle archaeologists to this day, from a dream Discovery to a mysterious pregnant mummy. Here are the 15 strangest things discovered in Egypt:

Number 15: Dream Discovery
In 2022, archaeologists working on a site in Cairo, Egypt, were elated after making a dream Discovery beneath the shifting sands of the city-state. It was an impressive Egyptian sarcophagus laying undisturbed within a burial chamber. It was untouched for many years, and only recently did anyone have the chance of getting a glimpse of the impressive sarcophagus.

The stone sarcophagus was massive, and it was covered in inscriptions dedicated to Pataim WEA, a man who headed the treasury of one of Egypt’s greatest rulers, King Ramses II. Reaching the sarcophagus was a harrowing task. In order to reach the bottom of the burial chamber, archaeologists needed to remove a lot of sand using a bucket attached to a hand-operated rope winch. Heavy machinery wasn’t an option, as it might damage the valuable sarcophagus inside. But after meticulously clearing out the debris, the team of experts were rewarded with a magnificently well-preserved sarcophagus.

Although Pataim WEA wasn’t a pharaoh, he played an important role during the reign of King Ramses II. Not only was he the person in charge of the royal treasury, but he was also a scribe, a supervisor of cattle, and was in charge of the sacrifices to the deities at the king’s temple in Thebes. Unfortunately, while the sarcophagus was mostly intact, archaeologists believe that the burial chamber was looted during the 19th century. This explains why there were no precious artifacts inside the chamber, despite Pataim WEA being a reputable figure in ancient Egypt.

“Number 14: New Details of Mummification

In 2002, archaeologists in Egypt discovered a cache of mummification materials and tombs located near the Pyramid of Jose, named for the first king of the third dynasty of the Old Kingdom. The massive collection of funerary pots were buried in a 45-foot deep shaft. It was the largest collection discovered as of yet, with more than 350 large ceramic pots and smaller artifacts. Among them were vessels used to store organs removed from the mummies. At the site, it’s no wonder that each burial was filled with many artifacts. After all, the ancient Egyptians believed that mummification helped the deceased reach the afterlife. Egyptians believed that the only way for the soul to journey into the afterlife is if the body remains recognizable. They spent years refining the process of mummification, adding new oils and essences to make it better. Archaeologists discovered resins, oils, and myrrh used for embalming, and it became more evident as to why the Pharaohs were prepared for mummification. Several canopic jars were needed to store the mummified person’s internal organs. For the royals, their chamber would also be where their treasures and artifacts would be stored.

Number 13: Mysterious Space Rock

This mysterious stone was discovered in 1996 in the Great Sand Sea in Southwest Egypt. This is known as Hypatia, named after a female Egyptian astronomer. Although it looks like an ordinary stone, recent analysis revealed that the three-gram sample is unlike anything in our solar system. In fact, it was unlike anything in the entire Milky Way galaxy. Researchers claimed that Hypatia could be the first evidence of a supernova type explosion on our planet.

But what makes this type of supernova special? This type of explosion is incredibly rare and is one of the brightest events in the entire universe. Supernovas are considered to be one of the original sources of elements heavier than iron in the entire universe. Essentially, even the iron flowing in your blood came from a supernova or another type of cosmic explosion that occurred long before the solar system formed. This means that supernovae are essential to life. Supernovae expel space clowns of dust, gas, and further interstellar diversity. Without this cosmic phenomena, our universe would have been much different.

Number 12: Crocodile Heads

Recently, archaeologists discovered nine crocodile heads buried in the necropolis in Thebes, an ancient burial site in Upper Egypt. The remains of the animals were kept inside two tombs named after high-ranking officials who lived during Egypt’s New Kingdom between the 16th century BCE and the 11th century BCE. It was considered a one-of-a-kind discovery, as there were no other crocodile remains discovered in human burials before.

Usually, mummies of whole crocodiles were prepared, mummified, and stored in the catacombs of sacred animals in ancient Egypt. These reptiles were linked to the god Sobek, who was the being who created the Nile River and is also known as the god of fertility, chaos, and military might. But this time, only the head of the crocodile was laid with the deceased instead of the animal’s entire body. What’s more, it lacked any form of preservation. It seemed like the crocodile heads were simply laid inside the burial chamber, and no other preparation was done. According to archaeologists, more research is needed to unravel the mystery of the crocodile heads.”

“Number 11: King Tutankhamun’s Space Dagger

There are a lot of questions surrounding King Tutankhamun’s tomb. Most people want to know about the curse of the Pharaohs, but there is a more pressing matter regarding King Tut. It was the dagger discovered inside his burial chamber. The black iron dagger was covered with linen wrappings and placed beside Tutankhamun. Its placement inside the burial indicated that it was one of the Pharaoh’s most prized possessions. But what’s so mysterious about a dagger? Smelted iron was almost unheard of in ancient Egypt 3300 years ago, and yet the dagger of King Tutankhamun was in top condition when it was unearthed.It was well-crafted and free of rust. For this reason, theories about the dagger’s origin began circulating. Several people believed that the young Pharaoh’s dagger was extraterrestrial in origin. By that, we don’t mean aliens gave it to the Pharaoh; it simply means that the iron dagger might have been made out of a meteorite.

For decades, the blade’s origin was highly debated, but a recent discovery confirmed that the blade’s material came from outer space. The blade’s material is a mix of nickel, iron, and cobalt, matching the meteorites found in northeastern Africa. What’s astonishing, though, is that the Egyptians knew exactly what the meteorite was. The fact that only a small number of jewelry and artifacts were created out of the meteorite indicates that the ancient Egyptians knew that the rocks came from the heavens. This theory opens up yet another mystery: did the ancient Egyptians understand the heavens more than we thought? Perhaps their eerily accurate understanding of astronomy enabled them to construct the unique features of the pyramids. Unfortunately, more research must be done to confirm these claims.

Number 10: Dog Necropolis

In January 2023, archaeologists denounced an amazing discovery. While excavating a site near Cairo, they came across the ancient remains of an eight-year-old child, and around the young one were 142 bodies of dogs. The remains mostly belong to puppies, and archaeologists have no idea why the ancient Egyptians did this strange burial. What’s even stranger is that someone placed a linen bag around the child’s head. Archaeologists theorized that the burial might be part of an ancient ritual.

Traces of blue clay were found on the dog’s remains, a material commonly found in ancient Egyptian reservoirs. The puppies might have been victims of a catastrophic flood, as there were no signs of violence on the dogs. It’s good that they weren’t sacrificed, but it was still disheartening to imagine that the poor animals died by drowning. The ancient Egyptians might have gathered the remains of the dogs and buried them together before conducting a magic ritual. However, the role of the child remains unclear. There is a chance that the young child was taking care of the animals and died along with them, but the linen bag placed around the child’s head keeps archaeologists scratching their heads in confusion. Archaeologists have only discovered one other set of remains with a linen bag around its head, which belonged to a man with an arrow in his chest. The treatment seemed like it was reserved for people who were executed, but this time around, the child seemed to have done nothing to warrant the treatment.

Number 9: Flat-Faced Dinosaur Fossil

In 2022, archaeologists discovered the vertebra bone of a new and unnamed dinosaur species, which belonged to the Abelisaurid family. Paleontologists claimed that this new dino species was a reptile that walked on two legs, just like Tyrannosaurus Rex. It had two very short arms and small teeth. It was also a carnivore that grew to around 20 feet long. It lived around 98 million years ago during the Cretaceous Period, the final period of the age of the dinosaurs. This discovery gave us a better glimpse of the biodiversity of Cretaceous dinosaurs in Egypt and the larger Northern African region millions of years ago.

Number 8: Burial of Queen Nefertiti

Queen Nefertiti was an influential Queen who reigned alongside her husband during the most contentious yet wealthy periods of ancient Egypt. But despite being one of the most renowned figures, much about Nefertiti is unknown. Her parentage and lineage still aren’t clear. There are sources who claim that she was a princess from Matani or modern-day Syria, but there is also evidence of her being a daughter of an Egyptian official. For so long, researchers have been trying to discover the Queen’s remains, and recently, an archaeologist claimed that the mummy he is studying will turn out to be Queen Nefertiti. Unfortunately, the process is incredibly lengthy, and to this day, we have yet to identify her remains. But it seems like archaeologists are quite convinced that they will be able to reveal Queen Nefertiti’s mummy in the next few months.

Number 7: Strange Beeline Mummy

One of the most well-known things about the ancient Egyptians is how much they worshipped and revered felines. The people of the time held cats in the highest esteem, and their law prohibited harm to these creatures. Countless statues and artifacts were created after these creatures, and among them is the famous Sphinx of Giza, a limestone statue with a lion’s body and a human’s head. Right behind the Sphinx in ancient Egypt, the Sphinx was a spiritual guardian and an important image in Egyptian and Greek legends. The Sphinx has existed in Egyptian mythology since at least 2500 BCE, and perhaps even older. However, the Greeks and the Egyptians saw these entities differently. While the ancient Egyptians considered the Sphinx a protector, the Greeks saw it as a gatekeeper sent by the gods. If you’re familiar with the riddle of the Sphinx, it’s most likely that you’ve read it in Greek mythology.

A recent discovery proved that the ancient Egyptians revered the Sphinx more than we thought. Archaeologists discovered a strange feline animal that looked like it could either be a lion or a lioness. It was very strange, and the exact identity of the animal is yet to be revealed. But for now, archaeologists began calling it a real-life Sphinx.”

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