Girl Was Kidnapped While Buying Ice Cream With $1 Her $1 Was Found 20 Years Later With Chilling Note

In 1999 when a horrific accident occurred around 7:30 p.m. Mikhail Biggs, 11, jumped when she believed she heard the sound of an ice cream truck on February 2nd, 1999. Then, she and Kimber, her younger sister, ran outdoors while each carrying two quarters.
Mikhail boarded Kimber’s new pink and purple bicycle as she arrived with the family dog. A few more neighborhood kids from Mesa, Arizona, who had also been drawn outside by the faint sound of music, joined them as they made their way to the corner of their street.
The ice cream truck was still nowhere to be seen after a while, and it appeared that the music was not becoming any louder. While some of the other kids gave up and left for home, Mikhail was adamant about getting a popsicle. Additionally impatient, her sister informed Mikhail that she was leaving to go home. Mikhail continued to wait while circling on her bicycle.
When their mother saw that Kimber had returned by herself, she told her to go retrieve her sister. Kimber went to get a jacket before returning to the corner. She was gone barely a minute and a half. Sadly, in that brief period of time, Mikhail had vanished.
Her bike had been abandoned, and her ice cream money had been left all over the sidewalk. Local Mesa authorities surrounded the location in half an hour. They used a loudspeaker to announce the search for the young girl while they flew a chopper throughout the neighborhood.
When Mesa’s ice cream vendors were contacted by the police, none of them had any trucks in McDowell’s area on Saturday night. It’s plausible that whatever they heard in the distance was something else, and that none of the kids actually saw an ice cream truck that evening.
The police kept searching the Mesa neighborhood, looking through dumpsters, trash cans, sheds, and backyards. The search area was widening every day. Bloodhounds, ATVs, and horses were deployed by deputies as they searched the arid area around the Saguaro Lake and the steep terrain outside of the city.
Nothing they uncovered helped the investigation move further. The case was basically closed in 1999 and came to a conclusion, but police remained committed to it. They had no concrete theories, but they had told Tracy and Darian that they would keep looking until they found their daughter. They hoped to include Mikhail’s image and details in a mailing that was distributed to almost 80 million homes throughout the country. Then it may lead to some fresh tips.
20 years later, Mikhail’s case rose to the top of Mesa’s police most-publicized cases list. Over 800 pieces of evidence and over 100 tips had been given to it, although most have led to dead ends. Over 35 mine shaft explorations in the San Tan Mountains and 500 psychic interviews are a few examples of this proof. Then one day, local law enforcement received an unusual tip that would help them crack this vexing case, and all of a sudden, the information surfaced and spread like wildfire.
According to reports, someone in Wisconsin discovered a one-dollar bill with the handwritten message, “My name is Mikel Biggs, kidnapped from Mesa, Arizona,” scrawled around the edge. “I’m still here in 2009.” The dollar bill had been printed. Mikel would have been 21 at the time, but the writing appeared to be childish, and her first name is spelled incorrectly.
Detectives concluded that it was probably a fabrication because of these factors. Unfortunately, there is almost no way for them to determine where the dollar note might have been before it showed up in Wisconsin.
Even if it wasn’t a fraud, the Mesa Police Department still views Mikel’s case as open-ended and unsolved, and they are unsure of her state of life. In order to put an end to their lengthy suffering, Tracy and Darian are still holding out hope that they would find out what happened to her. Thanks for watching until the end.