Boy Notices Dad Spend Evenings At Neighbor’s House – Shocked When He Sneaks In And Sees This

“Tommy couldn’t help but notice his father’s absence. He’d been missing more and more dinners with him and his mother, and Tommy worried something could be wrong. Determined to figure out what was going on with his father, he decided to see where he was going. But one thing led to the other, and Tommy suddenly found himself inside his neighbor’s house. And when he found inside shocked him.
Tommy couldn’t believe his eyes when he stepped into his neighbor’s house. It was dark and looked deserted, but he could see a dim light in one of the rooms upstairs. Then he heard his neighbor quietly talk to someone and figured it was his father. But he needed proof. He couldn’t make out what his neighbor was talking about or to whom. So he decided to quietly crawl up the stairs to get a better look. But when he was halfway, something happened that made his heart jump. Suddenly, one of the wooden boards cracked, and his neighbor abruptly stopped talking.
“Oh,” Tommy thought. “This couldn’t be good.”
“Hello, Sophie sweetheart, are you home already?” his neighbor yelled. But Tommy stayed quiet. This wasn’t a good situation to be in.
But why was Tommy’s father suddenly spending so much time at their neighbor’s house? What did Tommy see, and will the truth be revealed?
Tommy was an eight-year-old boy who lived with his parents in a small suburban town. He loved spending time with his family, like eating together in the evening. But lately, something strange was happening. His father, who usually came home right after work, had started coming home later and later each day. At first, Tommy didn’t think much of it. But when it kept on happening, he decided to ask his father about it. His father had a new excuse each time. He had to work later, there was a lot of traffic. But after a while, Tommy’s trust faded away. He knew there was something else going on. He could see his mother’s confusion and worrying. She knew just as much as Tommy, which was nothing. His father kept him in the dark. But why?
Finally, Tommy decided he’d had enough. He wanted to know the truth. So he waited for his father to come home and watched from the window. He knew his father couldn’t see him because he stood behind a curtain. He watched as his father’s car pulled up the driveway. But instead of walking over to his own front door, his father walked to their neighbor’s house.
Tommy frowned as he thought of why his father would go there. After finding out where his father went in the evening, Tommy wanted to tell his mother. But when he noticed her sitting all alone on the couch watching TV, he couldn’t bear to throw this news at her. He had to investigate further to find out if there was even more going on. Tommy didn’t want his mother to worry if it wasn’t needed. So he decided to wait. First, he wanted to find out what his father was even doing at their neighbor’s house. After that, he would make the decision to tell his mother or not.
So that evening, he waited until his mother sat in front of the TV. She would usually watch the same show, so Tommy knew when it was the right time to sneak out. He checked on his mother by carefully asking her something, and when she failed to answer, he knew it was time. Tommy quietly made his way to the front door and slipped out. He crossed the street and hid behind a tree until the coast was clear. Then he noticed his father’s car a little further down the street. Tommy’s heart raced as he wondered what his father was doing inside. He knew he had to find out.
He cautiously walked across the street, making his way to the neighbor’s house, trying not to make any noise. When he reached the house, he saw the lights were off. Tommy wondered if his father had left or if he was still inside. He decided to take a chance and peek through the window. But Tommy saw nothing but darkness inside his neighbor’s house. So he decided to switch up his tactics. He decided to find a way inside the house. His father should be in there somewhere, and he wasn’t going home before he knew what was going on. Something he later regretted.
He tiptoed towards the front door and checked the doorknob, but it was locked. Tommy frowned, thinking about how he was going to get inside. Suddenly, he remembered the spare key the neighbor had given his parents for emergencies.
He remembered seeing it on the kitchen counter, and he knew that’s where it could be. Tommy ran back to his house, trying not to make a sound. He raced to the kitchen and found the key on the counter. He held it in his hand and wondered if he was doing the right thing. He didn’t want to get in trouble, but he also didn’t want his family to suffer because of his father’s actions.
Tommy took a deep breath and made his way back to his neighbor’s house. His mother was still glued to the TV and had no idea what was going on behind her. When Tommy reached his neighbor’s house again, he suddenly noticed one of the upstairs lights had turned on. He carefully inserted the key into the lock and turned it slowly. The door creaked open, and he slipped inside.
The house was dark, and Tommy couldn’t see anything, but that made listening to the sounds easier. He got down on his hands and knees and carefully crawled through the house. As he approached the staircase, he knew he had to watch out. He slowly began to crawl up the stairs, but when he was in the middle, one of the wooden boards began to creak. A loud noise echoed through the silent house, and suddenly, it wasn’t so silent anymore.
“Hello? Someone there?” his neighbor yelled, scaring Tommy out of his wits. His body started shaking, and he had to try his best not to burst out crying. This was a bad situation to be in. Tommy’s father now made his way downstairs. For some reason, he kept the lights off, which made it easier for Tommy to hide. He still had no idea what his father was doing here in the first place. He wasn’t in the same room as the neighbor when she yelled for him. Was this all a big misunderstanding?
Suddenly, the light turned on, and Tommy stood face to face with his father, who held a baseball bat up in the air.
“Tommy?” his father asked, utterly confused. “What on Earth are you doing here?”
Tommy explained everything, and his father understood his son’s suspicion. But there was a simple explanation. Tommy’s parents had a big fight, and his mother kicked his father out. Not wanting to leave his son behind, Tommy’s father stayed at their neighbor’s house until everything was sorted out.