My Demons Found a Home In This Lady, But There Is More

Winta and I are childhood friends. Because I have known her my entire life, I trust her completely. When she speaks well of someone, I know the person is good. It’s because she is a good judge of character. When we were about to go to college, we ended up in different schools but in the same city.
That didn’t ruin our friendship though. If anything, it gave us more to talk about. One thing I noticed was that every time we spoke, she mentioned a particular friend. Her name is Zera. I hadn’t met her but I felt I knew her well because of how often Winta brought her up in conversations.
One day while we were talking I said, “Your friend Zera sounds like a lovely person. I want to get to know her.” She didn’t mind. All she asked was that I wait till she got her friend’s permission before…..Read Full Story Here.…………………