How My Husband Gave me a Dirty Slap because I asked him to Wash Plate – Depressed Lady Shares A Nigerian woman shared her true story –
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How My Husband Gave me a Dirty Slap because I asked him to Wash Plate – Depressed Lady Shares A Nigerian woman shared her true story

How My Husband Gave me a Dirty Slap because I asked him to Wash Plate – Depressed Lady Shares
A Nigerian woman shared her true story.

Anonymous Woman Narrate What her beloved husband Did to her when she asked him to wash the dishes for her.

According to her story:

My husband lost his Job about 6 months ago and ever since then he has not been able to get another but I still have my Job and my Job is very demanding.

When my husband had a Job I had told him lets get a maid but he refused severally and said he doesn’t need a maid that he doesn’t want anyone to come in between us and I actually liked that Idea so we moved on not until he lost his Job.

One faithful day I came in from work and saw my husband in the room sleeping, he had eaten with some of his friends and messed up the whole kitchen and that day I came in around 9pm due to Lagos traffic and was very tired so I went to the room and asked my husband why didn’t he and his friend wash the plate na that the kitchen is smelling and in a mess. He heard me but was quiet and so I thought he didn’t hear me so I repeated myself and the next thing I heard was a hot dirty slap on my cheek.

I asked him why he slapped me and he said he will slap me again if I spoke any more words. That night I left his house and went to spend the night in a hotel close by. I can’t live with a man who will not respect the fact that I am trying to help the family.

I will not return to that house until he calls me and apologizes for slapping me. Imagine him telling my friends that me I left the house to sleep with men. I don’t blame him, whatever he says doesn’t concern me, I wont return there until he apologizes for slapping me.

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