Bride Knew He Was Cheating On Her, But She Waited Until This Day To Get Revenge –
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Bride Knew He Was Cheating On Her, But She Waited Until This Day To Get Revenge

But what happens if that dream is ruined before it even begins? Here’s how one bride stood up for herself on her wedding day and made a memorable day completely unforgettable.

Australians Casey and Alex had been together for six years. During that time, the couple had grown closer, their love for each other becoming deeper, or so Casey had thought. She had no indication that anything was wrong and no reason to believe that Alex didn’t love her as much as ever. They planned every aspect of their wedding together and had designed what would be a beautiful celebration of their marital union. Both of their families were in favor of the marriage, and everyone eagerly awaited attending what was sure to be a beautiful, entertaining wedding.

At least the entertaining part was accurate because, for Casey, everything else fell to pieces the night before the wedding. As she was hanging out with her bridesmaids at the hotel, she received an anonymous text message. Curious, she opened the message only to stare in confusion and astonishment at the series of screenshots being shared by a number she didn’t recognize. The only message that accompanied the screenshots was this: “I wouldn’t marry him, will you?”

Casey slowly sank down onto the nearest chair and took a closer look at the screenshots. They were all conversations between her fiance and another woman, along with the messages were screenshots of selfies Alex had taken with this young woman. Casey looked at the dates of the texts, and they ranged from months to just days ago. Although her brain was still processing what she was seeing, in her heart, Casey knew what she was reading was real. Some of the texts were graphic in nature, and each one caused a searing pain in Casey’s heart.

Ashamed, Casey burst into tears, and her bridesmaids flew to her side. When they saw what Alex had done, they threatened to hurt him and Casey to call him and cancel the wedding. Casey thought about all the family members who had spent money to come in from out of town; everything was paid for, and the wedding was just hours away. Casey tried to go to sleep, but she couldn’t. She turned over every aspect of her relationship with Alex in her mind. She still loved him and wanted to marry him, but the dream now was over.

When dawn broke, Casey had made her decision. She told her bridesmaids that she was going to go through with the wedding, now a sham, but not the way people expected. Her bridesmaids agreed to support her decision whatever it was, but they had no idea how far Casey was going to take her plan.

Holding back tears, Casey put on her wedding dress, although in her mind, it was now just a costume. Head held high, Casey bravely went down to the ceremony, and as she walked down the aisle, she met Alex’s eyes. She did not see a woman who looked happy to be marrying him, but even in his confusion, he had no clue what Casey was about to do to his life.

Casey stood next to Alex. She looked one last time at him, then turned to the gathering of family and friends behind her. Then she took a deep breath and spoke. Casey dropped the first bomb: “There will be no wedding today.” There were a series of gasps from the audience. It seemed that Alex was not who she thought he was.

Stunned at her words, Alex reached for Casey’s hands, but when she set her bouquet aside, he saw her cellphone in her hand. At that point, Casey proceeded to read aloud each and every one of the texts that Alex had exchanged with the other woman. As she lifted her eyes to look at Alex, Casey saw that he had nothing to say to her.

Embarrassed, Alex stalked out of the church with his best man following, while his family looked on in horrified silence. Casey bravely addressed the situation as best she could: “I love all of you, and as horrible as this is, I’m glad you are all here. There will not be a wedding reception today, but instead, there will be a celebration of honesty, finding true love, and following your heart even when it hurts.”

Then Casey decided to have her wedding cake and eat it too. She went through with the party that had already been paid for and had an incredible time. Casey’s wedding day turned out to be a nightmare; however, she turned the tables on her former fiance and achieved some measure of revenge for his unfaithfulness.

Sometimes our dreams do not turn out the way we hoped, but as the story proves, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

A bride’s wedding day is supposed to be a magical moment in her life, and the night before the wedding is often accompanied by a mixture of anticipation, anxiety, and excitement. A new world as a part of a married couple is about to begin, and at the bride’s side will be the person she loves, a person she can trust enough to share her dreams and goals and receive the support and care she deserves in return.

But what happens if that dream is ruined before it even begins? Here’s how one bride stood up for herself on her wedding day and made a memorable day completely unforgettable.

Australians Casey and Alex had been together for six years. During that time, the couple had grown closer, their love for each other becoming deeper, or so Casey had thought. She had no indication that anything was wrong and no reason to believe that Alex didn’t love her as much as ever. They planned every aspect of their wedding together and had designed what would be a beautiful celebration of their marital union. Both of their families were in favor of the marriage, and everyone eagerly awaited attending what was sure to be a beautiful, entertaining wedding.

At least the entertaining part was accurate because, for Casey, everything else fell to pieces the night before the wedding. As she was hanging out with her bridesmaids at the hotel, she received an anonymous text message. Curious, she opened the message only to stare in confusion and astonishment at the series of screenshots being shared by a number she didn’t recognize. The only message that accompanied the screenshots was this: “I wouldn’t marry him, will you?”

Casey slowly sank down onto the nearest chair and took a closer look at the screenshots. They were all conversations between her fiance and another woman, along with the messages were screenshots of selfies Alex had taken with this young woman. Casey looked at the dates of the texts, and they ranged from months to just days ago. Although her brain was still processing what she was seeing, in her heart, Casey knew what she was reading was real. Some of the texts were graphic in nature, and each one caused a searing pain in Casey’s heart.

Ashamed, Casey burst into tears, and her bridesmaids flew to her side. When they saw what Alex had done, they threatened to hurt him and Casey to call him and cancel the wedding. Casey thought about all the family members who had spent money to come in from out of town; everything was paid for, and the wedding was just hours away. Casey tried to go to sleep, but she couldn’t. She turned over every aspect of her relationship with Alex in her mind. She still loved him and wanted to marry him, but the dream now was over.

When dawn broke, Casey had made her decision. She told her bridesmaids that she was going to go through with the wedding, now a sham, but not the way people expected. Her bridesmaids agreed to support her decision whatever it was, but they had no idea how far Casey was going to take her plan.

Holding back tears, Casey put on her wedding dress, although in her mind, it was now just a costume. Head held high, Casey bravely went down to the ceremony, and as she walked down the aisle, she met Alex’s eyes. She did not see a woman who looked happy to be marrying him, but even in his confusion, he had no clue what Casey was about to do to his life.

Casey stood next to Alex. She looked one last time at him, then turned to the gathering of family and friends behind her. Then she took a deep breath and spoke. Casey dropped the first bomb: “There will be no wedding today.” There were a series of gasps from the audience. It seemed that Alex was not who she thought he was.

Stunned at her words, Alex reached for Casey’s hands, but when she set her bouquet aside, he saw her cellphone in her hand. At that point, Casey proceeded to read aloud each and every one of the texts that Alex had exchanged with the other woman. As she lifted her eyes to look at Alex, Casey saw that he had nothing to say to her.

Embarrassed, Alex stalked out of the church with his best man following, while his family looked on in horrified silence. Casey bravely addressed the situation as best she could: “I love all of you, and as horrible as this is, I’m glad you are all here. There will not be a wedding reception today, but instead, there will be a celebration of honesty, finding true love, and following your heart even when it hurts.”

Then Casey decided to have her wedding cake and eat it too. She went through with the party that had already been paid for and had an incredible time. Casey’s wedding day turned out to be a nightmare; however, she turned the tables on her former fiance and achieved some measure of revenge for his unfaithfulness.

Sometimes our dreams do not turn out the way we hoped, but as the story proves, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

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