Woman Adopted 3 Black Kids 10 Years Ago. How They Repaid Her Will Shock You! – Legitpost.com.ng
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Woman Adopted 3 Black Kids 10 Years Ago. How They Repaid Her Will Shock You!

A woman with a kind heart decided to adopt three black kids and take them out of the foster care system. Ten years later, they repaid their adoptive mother in the most surprising way.

Elia Robinson, like far too many other children, was born to drug-addicted parents. This, in turn, caused her to be put into the state’s custody from birth. The sad start to her life only continued as she got older.

Due to the high number of orphaned children, she struggled to find a forever home. For the first five years of her life, she was bounced from one foster home to the next. While it was highly disruptive for the poor little girl, she was fortunate in that she had some very nice foster parents. From one home to the next, she was cared for well and given toys that every little girl would love. However, this didn’t really make up for the fact that she didn’t have a permanent home. Luckily, that wasn’t too far off.

One day, a woman happened to fall in love with little Elia and decided to adopt her and her younger siblings. As it happened, Elia had two little brothers who were two and three years old. They too had been bounced around from foster home to foster home, but not with their sister. This meant that by being adopted together, the trio was going to be under the same roof permanently for the very first time since being in the foster care system. This made Elia extremely happy.

Once they had settled into their home and been given their individual rooms, Elia felt like she was living in a dream. She grabbed one of her Barbies and ran to see her little brother down the hallway. Only when she got there, she was astounded to find out that he didn’t have any toys to play with.

The most logical explanation was that he had left them behind at his last foster home. But when she asked him why he didn’t have any, she found something that shocked her. Her little brother, Elijah, said that he had never gotten any toys. He hadn’t been as fortunate as his sister in his foster home placement.

She quickly went back to her room and collected some of her toys for him to play with. The way his face lit up with joy when seeing the toys simply broke Elia’s heart. This was the very first time Elia had to face the fact that not every orphan had been able to experience what she had. She returned to her room and looked at all the toys and books she had and began to feel sad. She knew she wanted to do something to help other orphans, but she really wasn’t sure what.

Then, a couple of days later, she came across a very bright idea – something that spurred her motivation to enact change. Elia was walking with her adoptive mother, Misty, and Elijah when they happened to come across a couple of teenagers manning a lemonade stand. The group of friends was enthusiastically selling lemonade to anyone walking by. Elia asked her mother for some, and soon enough, the three of them were gulping down some refreshing lemonade.

When Misty’s mother asked the group what they were selling the lemonade for, they found out it was to raise money for one of their friend’s quinceanera.

This sparked a big idea for Elia. If these teens could raise money for their friend’s party, maybe she could do the same, but instead, she would be raising money for other orphans. Excitedly, Elia went home that day with her mind brimming full of great ideas. She was determined to start her own lemonade stand and start raising money for children that needed it.

The sweet little girl proposed her idea to her mother and grandparents. Being the amazing people that they are, they immediately agreed to help. Elijah’s grandparents agreed to buy all the ingredients she would need to make the lemonade. Her grandfather then helped her design and set up her stand the way she envisioned it. When the day came for the stand to go up, Elia was filled with excitement and anticipation as to how it was going to go.

Sure enough, it couldn’t have gone better. It was a scorching hot day when they set it up for the first time. At just a dollar a cup, they soon had their jar filling up. At the end of the day, Elia walked away with $132. She was over the moon.

With the help of her mother, she then went online and bought a bunch of teddy bears for the other orphans. Now that they knew the stand would be successful, they continued to set up every day after that to make more money. Before they knew it, they started making hundreds of dollars a day. This meant that Elia could boost their idea to an even bigger scope.

Thanks to the support from all her neighbors who were impressed by the little girl’s kind and generous spirit, she was able to start planning special packages. These packages consisted of a nice string backpack filled with a lusciously fluffy teddy bear, a small Bible, and a toothbrush with some toothpaste. Elia appropriately named the sweet little care package the “Love Package.” She wanted other orphans to know how much they were loved and cared for, even if they didn’t have a forever home yet.

These brilliant little Love Packages only cost $10 to make, which meant that Elia could make many to donate. She managed to donate over 300 of these sweet care packages to children around the country. But with over 400,000 children in the system, it quickly became clear that she had her work cut out for her. But thanks to her very generous heart and philanthropic reasons for having a lemonade stand, she soon went viral online.

After all, it’s not every day that you hear about a kindergartner having a lemonade stand to help other orphans. Her mom helped her set up a GoFundMe page, and soon enough, she had raised over $6,000. Not only that, but she also managed to receive donations of supplies for her Lemonade Stand too. Thanks to her newfound publicity, she also managed to raise over $1,000 one week when she put up her stand. This just made Elia beam with pride at the idea that she would be able to help more and more children find joy with a simple teddy and faith with a copy of the Bible.

On top of money donations, some companies and organizations even began to donate items for the bags as well as ingredients for the lemonade. Her mother even had to get a trailer to store all the supplies since they had so much. The family saw it as a blessing after blessing, and they were very proud of their little girl. People often spoke about how generous she was, considering she had such a rough start to life. Many people were in awe at how positive and caring she was at such a young age. She was already exhibiting such mature and deep emotions toward society.

Elia’s amazing work for other orphans gained attention from some big names. Even Ellen DeGeneres and Usher reached out to her, calling her a superhero. Besides helping hundreds of orphans around the country, Elia was also able to repay her mother’s kindness in the most shocking way. It wasn’t anything fancy – no gift nor treasure was given to Misty, because she didn’t need any of that. Rather, it was in an interview that Elia truly repaid her mother’s kindness.

When asked about the incoming donations and attention she was gaining from many companies, Elia, in her very sweet way, calmly said, “I don’t need any donations. The foster kids do because I have money. All I need is a TV, a keyboard, a bed, my mom, and the Bible. That’s all I need.” It was through this very humble, innocent remark that Elia was able to show her mom and the rest of the world just how much she loved her mom. Not only that, but also how humble and selfless she had remained through all the work she had done.

All that kindness Misty had shared with Elia by adopting her and her brothers was being reflected in her daughter’s way of seeing the world. What more could a mother ask for than her sweet children growing up to be beautiful, generous young individuals that are always looking for ways to give back to their community in such a selfish, fast-paced world? The qualities that Elia has are simply gold.

Her mother is beaming with pride at how gracious her young daughter is and looks forward to seeing what the world has in store for her. Who would have thought something as simple as selling lemonade could have such an impact? If only more young people could be like Elia. What do you think about her actions? What sort of deeds do you do to give back to your community? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks for watching. Until next time.



  1. Okey

    August 21, 2023 at 10:39 am

    The little girl is simply marvelous and kind hearted.She put others first which is amazing.

    • Isaac Lartey Commey

      August 23, 2023 at 8:45 am

      What an amazing child Elia is! Wish all would have such a Godly love and empathy for society. May God bless Elia and her beloved family for their good health

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